Source code for AFQ.recognition.utils

import numpy as np
import os.path as op
from time import time

import logging

from import StatefulTractogram, Space
from import save_tractogram
import dipy.tracking.streamlinespeed as dps
import dipy.tracking.streamline as dts
from dipy.tracking.distances import bundles_distances_mdf

from AFQ.definitions.mapping import ConformedFnirtMapping

[docs]logger = logging.getLogger('AFQ')
[docs]def flip_sls(select_sl, idx_to_flip, in_place=False): """ Helper function to flip streamlines """ if in_place: flipped_sl = select_sl else: flipped_sl = [None] * len(select_sl) for ii, sl in enumerate(select_sl): if idx_to_flip[ii]: flipped_sl[ii] = sl[::-1] else: flipped_sl[ii] = sl return flipped_sl
[docs]def cut_sls_by_dist(select_sl, roi_dists, roi_idxs, in_place=False): """ Helper function to cut streamlines according to which points are closest to certain rois. Parameters ---------- select_sl, streamlines to cut roi_dists, distances from a given streamline to a given inclusion roi roi_idxs, two indices into the list of inclusion rois to use for the cut in_place, whether to modify select_sl """ if in_place: cut_sl = select_sl else: cut_sl = [None] * len(select_sl) for idx, this_sl in enumerate(select_sl): if roi_idxs[0] == -1: min0 = 0 else: min0 = int(roi_dists[idx, roi_idxs[0]]) if roi_idxs[1] == -1: min1 = len(this_sl) else: min1 = int(roi_dists[idx, roi_idxs[1]]) # handle if sls not flipped if min0 > min1: min0, min1 = min1, min0 # If the point that is closest to the first ROI # is the same as the point closest to the second ROI, # include the surrounding points to make a streamline. if min0 == min1: min1 = min1 + 1 min0 = min0 - 1 cut_sl[idx] = this_sl[min0:min1] return cut_sl
[docs]def read_tg(tg, nb_streamlines=None): if nb_streamlines and len(tg) > nb_streamlines: tg = StatefulTractogram.from_sft( dts.select_random_set_of_streamlines( tg.streamlines, nb_streamlines ), tg) return tg
[docs]def orient_by_streamline(sls, template_sl): DM = bundles_distances_mdf( sls, [template_sl, template_sl[::-1]]) return DM[:, 0] > DM[:, 1]
[docs]def move_streamlines(tg, to, mapping, img, save_intermediates=None): """Move streamlines to or from template space. to : str Either "template" or "subject". mapping : ConformedMapping Mapping to use to move streamlines. img : Nifti1Image Space to move streamlines to. """ tg_og_space = if isinstance(mapping, ConformedFnirtMapping): if to != "subject": raise ValueError( "Attempted to transform streamlines to template using " "unsupported mapping. " "Use something other than Fnirt.") tg.to_vox() moved_sl = [] for sl in tg.streamlines: moved_sl.append(mapping.transform_inverse_pts(sl)) else: tg.to_rasmm() if to == "template": volume = mapping.forward else: volume = mapping.backward delta = dts.values_from_volume( volume, tg.streamlines, np.eye(4)) moved_sl = dts.Streamlines( [d + s for d, s in zip(delta, tg.streamlines)]) moved_sft = StatefulTractogram( moved_sl, img, Space.RASMM) if save_intermediates is not None: save_tractogram( moved_sft, op.join(save_intermediates, f'sls_in_{to}.trk'), bbox_valid_check=False) tg.to_space(tg_og_space) return moved_sft
[docs]def resample_tg(tg, n_points): # reformat for dipy's set_number_of_points if isinstance(tg, np.ndarray): if len(tg.shape) > 2: streamlines = tg.tolist() streamlines = [np.asarray(item) for item in streamlines] elif hasattr(tg, "streamlines"): streamlines = tg.streamlines else: streamlines = tg return dps.set_number_of_points(streamlines, n_points)
[docs]class SlsBeingRecognized: def __init__(self, sls, logger, save_intermediates, b_name, ref, n_roi_dists): self.oriented_yet = False self.selected_fiber_idxs = np.arange(len(sls), dtype=np.uint32) self.sls_flipped = np.zeros(len(sls), dtype=np.bool8) self.logger = logger self.start_time = -1 self.save_intermediates = save_intermediates self.b_name = b_name self.ref_sls = sls self.ref = ref self.n_roi_dists = n_roi_dists
[docs] def initiate_selection(self, clean_name): self.start_time = time()"Filtering by {clean_name}") return np.zeros(len(self.selected_fiber_idxs), dtype=np.bool8)
[docs] def select(self, idx, clean_name, cut=False): self.selected_fiber_idxs = self.selected_fiber_idxs[idx] self.sls_flipped = self.sls_flipped[idx] if hasattr(self, "roi_dists"): self.roi_dists = self.roi_dists[idx] time_taken = time() - self.start_time f"After filtering by {clean_name} (time: {time_taken}s), " f"{len(self)} streamlines remain.") if self.save_intermediates is not None: save_tractogram( StatefulTractogram( self.get_selected_sls(cut=cut), self.ref, Space.VOX), op.join(self.save_intermediates, f'sls_after_{clean_name}_for_{self.b_name}.trk'), bbox_valid_check=False)
[docs] def get_selected_sls(self, cut=False, flip=False): selected_sls = self.ref_sls[self.selected_fiber_idxs] if cut and hasattr(self, "roi_dists") and self.n_roi_dists > 1: selected_sls = cut_sls_by_dist( selected_sls, self.roi_dists, (0, self.n_roi_dists - 1), in_place=False) if flip: selected_sls = flip_sls( selected_sls, self.sls_flipped, in_place=False) return selected_sls
[docs] def reorient(self, idx): if self.oriented_yet: raise RuntimeError(( "Attempted to oriented streamlines " "that were already oriented. " "This is a bug in the implementation of a " "bundle recognition procedure. ")) self.oriented_yet = True self.sls_flipped[idx] = True
[docs] def __bool__(self): return len(self) > 0
[docs] def __len__(self): return len(self.selected_fiber_idxs)