Source code for AFQ.viz.altair

from AFQ.viz.utils import COLOR_DICT
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
import altair as alt

[docs]def altair_color_dict(names_to_include=None): """ Given a list of bundle names, return a dictionary of colors for each Formatted for Altair. """ altair_cd = dict(COLOR_DICT.copy()) for key in list(altair_cd.keys()): value = altair_cd[key] if (names_to_include is None) or (key in names_to_include): altair_cd[key] = ( f"rgb({int(value[0]*255)}," f"{int(value[1]*255)}," f"{int(value[2]*255)})") else: del altair_cd[key] return altair_cd
[docs]def combined_profiles_df_to_altair_df( profiles, tissue_properties=['dti_fa', 'dti_md']): """ Given a profiles dataframe that is combined from many subjects, return a dataframe formatted for Altair. """ profiles = profiles.copy() if 'dki_md' in tissue_properties: profiles.dki_md = profiles.dki_md * 1000. if 'dti_md' in tissue_properties: profiles.dti_md = profiles.dti_md * 1000. id_vars = ['tractID', 'nodeID', 'subjectID'] if 'sessionID' in profiles.columns: id_vars.append('sessionID') profiles = profiles.melt( id_vars=id_vars, value_vars=tissue_properties, var_name='TP', value_name='Value') # Function to calculate 95% CI using a normal distribution def calculate_95CI(x): ci = stats.norm.interval( 0.95, loc=np.mean(x), scale=np.std(x) / np.sqrt(len(x))) return ci # Group by 'tractID', 'nodeID', 'TP' and apply the aggregation functions profiles = profiles.groupby(['tractID', 'nodeID', 'TP'])['Value'].agg( mean='mean', CI_lower=lambda x: calculate_95CI(x)[0], CI_upper=lambda x: calculate_95CI(x)[1], IQR_lower=lambda x: x.quantile(0.25), IQR_upper=lambda x: x.quantile(0.75) ).reset_index() def get_hemi(cc): if cc == "L": return "Left" elif cc == "R": return "Right" else: return "Callosal" def get_bname(s): if s.startswith("Left "): return s[5:] elif s.startswith("Right "): return s[6:] return s def formal_tp(tp_name): return tp_name.upper().replace("_", " ") profiles["Hemi"] = profiles["tractID"].apply(lambda x: get_hemi(x[-1])) profiles["Bundle Name"] = profiles["tractID"].apply(get_bname) profiles["TP"] = profiles["TP"].apply(formal_tp) return profiles
[docs]def altair_df_to_chart(profiles, position_domain=(20, 80), column_count=1, font_size=20, line_size=10, row_label_angle=90, bundle_list=None, legend_line_size=5, alt_x_kwargs={}, alt_y_kwargs={}, **kwargs): """ Given a dataframe formatted for Altair, probably from combined_profiles_df_to_altair_df, return a chart. Example ------- call_results = results[results.Hemi == "Callosal"] stand_results = results[results.Hemi != "Callosal"] prof_chart = altair_df_to_chart(call_results)"supp_chart_call.png", dpi=300) prof_chart = altair_df_to_chart(stand_results, column_count=2, color="Hemi")"supp_chart_stand.png", dpi=300) """ this_cd = altair_color_dict(profiles.tractID.unique()) alt.data_transformers.disable_max_rows() profiles = profiles[np.logical_and( profiles.nodeID >= position_domain[0], profiles.nodeID < position_domain[1])] tp_units = { "DKI AWF": "", "DKI FA": "", "DKI MD": " (µm²/ms)", "DKI MK": "", "DTI FA": "", "DTI MD": " (µm²/ms)"} if bundle_list is None: bundle_list = profiles["Bundle Name"].unique() row_charts = [] for jj, b_name in enumerate(bundle_list): row_dataframe = profiles[profiles["Bundle Name"] == b_name] charts = [] for ii, tp in enumerate(sorted(profiles.TP.unique())): this_dataframe = row_dataframe[row_dataframe.TP == tp] if jj == 0: title_name = tp + tp_units[tp] else: title_name = "" if ii == 0: y_axis_title = b_name else: y_axis_title = "" if jj == len(profiles["Bundle Name"].unique()) - 1: x_axis_title = "Position (%)" useXlab = True else: x_axis_title = "" useXlab = False y_kwargs = { "scale": alt.Scale(zero=False), "title": y_axis_title, **alt_y_kwargs} x_kwargs = { "axis": alt.Axis(title=x_axis_title, labels=useXlab), **alt_x_kwargs} prof_chart = alt.Chart( this_dataframe, title=title_name).mark_line( size=line_size).encode( y=alt.Y('mean', **y_kwargs), x=alt.X('nodeID', **x_kwargs), **kwargs) prof_chart = prof_chart + alt.Chart(this_dataframe).mark_line( size=line_size, opacity=0.5, strokeDash=[1, 1]).encode( y=alt.Y('IQR_lower', **y_kwargs), x=alt.X('nodeID', **x_kwargs), **kwargs) prof_chart = prof_chart + alt.Chart(this_dataframe).mark_line( size=line_size, opacity=0.5, strokeDash=[1, 1]).encode( y=alt.Y('IQR_upper', **y_kwargs), x=alt.X('nodeID', **x_kwargs), **kwargs) prof_chart = prof_chart + alt.Chart(this_dataframe).mark_line( size=line_size, opacity=0.5).encode( y=alt.Y('CI_lower', **y_kwargs), x=alt.X('nodeID', **x_kwargs), **kwargs) prof_chart = prof_chart + alt.Chart(this_dataframe).mark_line( size=line_size, opacity=0.5).encode( y=alt.Y('CI_upper', **y_kwargs), x=alt.X('nodeID', **x_kwargs), **kwargs) charts.append(prof_chart) row_charts.append(alt.HConcatChart(hconcat=charts)) return alt.VConcatChart(vconcat=row_charts).configure_axis( labelFontSize=font_size, titleFontSize=font_size, labelLimit=0 ).configure_legend( labelFontSize=font_size, titleFontSize=font_size, titleLimit=0, labelLimit=0, columns=column_count, symbolStrokeWidth=legend_line_size * 10, symbolSize=legend_line_size * 100, orient='right' ).configure_title( fontSize=font_size )