Source code for AFQ.utils.models
import numpy as np
import nibabel as nib
import dipy.core.gradients as dpg
[docs]def prepare_data(data_files, bval_files, bvec_files, mask=None,
data_files : str or list
Files containing DWI data. If this is a str, that's the full path to a
single file. If it's a list, each entry is a full path.
bval_files : str or list
Equivalent to `data_files`.
bvec_files : str or list
Equivalent to `data_files`.
mask : str or Nifti1Image object
img : Nifti1Image
data : ndarray
gtab : GradientTable
mask : ndarray
types = [type(f) for f in [data_files, bval_files, bvec_files]]
if len(set(types)) > 1:
e_s = "Please provide consistent inputs to `prepare_data`. All file"
e_s += " inputs should be either lists of full paths, or a string"
e_s += " with one full path."
raise ValueError(e_s)
if isinstance(data_files, str):
data_files = [data_files]
bval_files = [bval_files]
bvec_files = [bvec_files]
# Load the mask if it is a string
if isinstance(mask, str):
mask = nib.load(mask).get_fdata().astype(bool)
img_array = [nib.load(dfile) for dfile in data_files]
data_array = [img.get_fdata() for img in img_array]
data = np.concatenate(data_array, -1)
bvals_array = [np.loadtxt(bval_file) for bval_file in bval_files]
bvals = np.concatenate(bvals_array)
bvecs_array = [np.loadtxt(bvec_file) for bvec_file in bvec_files]
bvecs = np.concatenate(bvecs_array, -1)
gtab = dpg.gradient_table(bvals, bvecs, b0_threshold=b0_threshold)
return img_array[-1], data, gtab, mask