import cuslines
import numpy as np
from math import radians
from tqdm import tqdm
import logging
from import small_sphere
from dipy.reconst.shm import OpdtModel, CsaOdfModel
from dipy.reconst import shm
from import StatefulTractogram, Space
from nibabel.streamlines.array_sequence import concatenate
from AFQ.tractography.utils import gen_seeds, get_percentile_threshold
[docs]logger = logging.getLogger('AFQ')
# Modified from
[docs]def gpu_track(data, gtab, seed_img, stop_img, odf_model,
seed_threshold, stop_threshold, thresholds_as_percentages,
max_angle, step_size, n_seeds, random_seeds, rng_seed, ngpus,
Perform GPU tractography on DWI data.
data : ndarray
DWI data.
gtab : GradientTable
The gradient table.
seed_img : Nifti1Image
Float or binary mask describing the ROI within which we seed for
stop_img : Nifti1Image
A float or binary mask that determines a stopping criterion
(e.g. FA).
odf_model : str, optional
One of {"OPDT", "CSA"}
seed_threshold : float
The value of the seed_img above which tracking is seeded.
stop_threshold : float
The value of the stop_img below which tracking is
thresholds_as_percentages : bool
Interpret seed_threshold and stop_threshold as percentages of the
total non-nan voxels in the seed and stop mask to include
(between 0 and 100), instead of as a threshold on the
values themselves.
max_angle : float
The maximum turning angle in each step.
step_size : float
The size of a step (in mm) of tractography.
n_seeds : int
The seeding density: if this is an int, it is is how many seeds in each
voxel on each dimension (for example, 2 => [2, 2, 2]). If this is a 2D
array, these are the coordinates of the seeds. Unless random_seeds is
set to True, in which case this is the total number of random seeds
to generate within the mask. Default: 1
random_seeds : bool
If True, n_seeds is total number of random seeds to generate.
If False, n_seeds encodes the density of seeds to generate.
rng_seed : int
random seed used to generate random seeds if random_seeds is
set to True. Default: None ngpus : int
Number of GPUs to use.
chunk_size : int
Chunk size for GPU tracking.
sh_order = 6
seed_data = seed_img.get_fdata()
stop_data = stop_img.get_fdata()
if thresholds_as_percentages:
stop_threshold = get_percentile_threshold(
stop_data, stop_threshold)
if odf_model.lower() == "opdt":
model_type = cuslines.ModelType.OPDT
model = OpdtModel(
fit_matrix = model._fit_matrix
delta_b, delta_q = fit_matrix
elif odf_model.lower() == "csa":
model_type = cuslines.ModelType.CSAODF
model = CsaOdfModel(
gtab, sh_order=sh_order,
smooth=0.006, min_signal=1)
fit_matrix = model._fit_matrix
delta_b = fit_matrix
delta_q = fit_matrix
raise ValueError((
f"odf_model must be 'opdt' or "
f"'csa', not {odf_model}"))
sphere = small_sphere
theta = sphere.theta
phi = sphere.phi
sampling_matrix, _, _ = shm.real_sym_sh_basis(sh_order, theta, phi)
b0s_mask = gtab.b0s_mask
dwi_mask = ~b0s_mask
x, y, z = model.gtab.gradients[dwi_mask].T
_, theta, phi = shm.cart2sphere(x, y, z)
B, _, _ = shm.real_sym_sh_basis(sh_order, theta, phi)
H = shm.hat(B)
R = shm.lcr_matrix(H)
sph_edges = sphere.edges
sph_verticies = sphere.vertices
gtargs = {}
for var_name in [
"H", "R", "delta_b", "delta_q",
"b0s_mask", "stop_data", "sampling_matrix",
"sph_verticies", "sph_edges"]:
var = locals()[var_name]
if var_name in ["b0s_mask", "sph_edges"]:
dtype = np.int32
dtype = np.float64
if not np.asarray(var).flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']:
logger.warning(f"{var_name} is not C contiguous. Copying...")
gtargs[var_name] = np.ascontiguousarray(
var, dtype=dtype)
gtargs[var_name] = np.asarray(var, dtype=dtype)
gpu_tracker = cuslines.GPUTracker(
0.25, # relative peak threshold
radians(45), # min separation angle
gtargs["data"], gtargs["H"], gtargs["R"],
gtargs["delta_b"], gtargs["delta_q"],
gtargs["b0s_mask"], gtargs["stop_data"],
gtargs["sph_verticies"], gtargs["sph_edges"],
ngpus=ngpus, rng_seed=0)
seeds = gen_seeds(
seed_data, seed_threshold,
n_seeds, thresholds_as_percentages,
random_seeds, rng_seed, np.eye(4))
global_chunk_sz = chunk_size * ngpus
nchunks = (seeds.shape[0] + global_chunk_sz - 1) // global_chunk_sz
streamlines_ls = [None] * nchunks
with tqdm(total=seeds.shape[0]) as pbar:
for idx in range(int(nchunks)):
streamlines_ls[idx] = gpu_tracker.generate_streamlines(
seeds[idx * global_chunk_sz:(idx + 1) * global_chunk_sz])
seeds[idx * global_chunk_sz:(idx + 1) * global_chunk_sz].shape[0])
sft = StatefulTractogram(
concatenate(streamlines_ls, 0),
seed_img, Space.VOX)
return sft