Source code for AFQ.recognition.recognize

import numpy as np
import os.path as op
import os
import logging

import dipy.tracking.streamlinespeed as dps
from import StatefulTractogram, Space

import AFQ.recognition.utils as abu
from AFQ.api.bundle_dict import BundleDict
from AFQ.recognition.criteria import run_bundle_rec_plan
from AFQ.recognition.preprocess import get_preproc_plan

[docs]logger = logging.getLogger('AFQ')
[docs]def recognize( tg, img, mapping, bundle_dict, reg_template, nb_points=False, nb_streamlines=False, clip_edges=False, parallel_segmentation={"engine": "serial"}, rb_recognize_params=dict( model_clust_thr=1.25, reduction_thr=25, pruning_thr=12), refine_reco=False, prob_threshold=0, dist_to_waypoint=None, rng=None, return_idx=False, filter_by_endpoints=True, dist_to_atlas=4, save_intermediates=None, cleaning_params={}): """ Segment streamlines into bundles. Parameters ---------- tg : str, StatefulTractogram Tractogram to segment. img : str, nib.Nifti1Image Image for reference. mapping : MappingDefinition Mapping from subject to template. bundle_dict : dict or AFQ.api.BundleDict Dictionary of bundles to segment. reg_template : str, nib.Nifti1Image Template image for registration. nb_points : int, boolean Resample streamlines to nb_points number of points. If False, no resampling is done. Default: False nb_streamlines : int, boolean Subsample streamlines to nb_streamlines. If False, no subsampling is don. Default: False clip_edges : bool Whether to clip the streamlines to be only in between the ROIs. Default: False parallel_segmentation : dict or AFQ.api.BundleDict How to parallelize segmentation across processes when performing waypoint ROI segmentation. Set to {"engine": "serial"} to not perform parallelization. Some engines may cause errors, depending on the system. See ``dipy.utils.parallel.paramap`` for details. Default: {"engine": "serial"} rb_recognize_params : dict RecoBundles parameters for the recognize function. Default: dict(model_clust_thr=1.25, reduction_thr=25, pruning_thr=12) refine_reco : bool Whether to refine the RecoBundles segmentation. Default: False prob_threshold : float. Using AFQ Algorithm. Initial cleaning of fiber groups is done using probability maps from [Hua2008]_. Here, we choose an average probability that needs to be exceeded for an individual streamline to be retained. Default: 0. dist_to_waypoint : float. The distance that a streamline node has to be from the waypoint ROI in order to be included or excluded. If set to None (default), will be calculated as the center-to-corner distance of the voxel in the diffusion data. If a bundle has inc_addtol or exc_addtol in its bundle_dict, that tolerance will be added to this distance. For example, if you wanted to increase tolerance for the right arcuate waypoint ROIs by 3 each, you could make the following modification to your bundle_dict: bundle_dict["Right Arcuate"]["inc_addtol"] = [3, 3] Additional tolerances can also be negative. Default: None. rng : RandomState or int If None, creates RandomState. If int, creates RandomState with seed rng. Used in RecoBundles Algorithm. Default: None. return_idx : bool Whether to return the indices in the original streamlines as part of the output of segmentation. Default: False. filter_by_endpoints: bool Whether to filter the bundles based on their endpoints. Default: True. dist_to_atlas : float If filter_by_endpoints is True, this is the required distance from the endpoints to the atlas ROIs. Default: 4 save_intermediates : str, optional The full path to a folder into which intermediate products are saved. Default: None, means no saving of intermediates. cleaning_params : dict, optional Cleaning params to pass to seg.clean_bundle. This will override the default parameters of that method. However, this can be overriden by setting the cleaning parameters in the bundle_dict. Default: {}. References ---------- .. [Hua2008] Hua K, Zhang J, Wakana S, Jiang H, Li X, et al. (2008) Tract probability maps in stereotaxic spaces: analyses of white matter anatomy and tract-specific quantification. Neuroimage 39: 336-347 .. [Yeatman2012] Yeatman, Jason D., Robert F. Dougherty, Nathaniel J. Myall, Brian A. Wandell, and Heidi M. Feldman. 2012. "Tract Profiles of White Matter Properties: Automating Fiber-Tract Quantification" PloS One 7 (11): e49790. .. [Garyfallidis17] Garyfallidis et al. Recognition of white matter bundles using local and global streamline-based registration and clustering, Neuroimage, 2017. """ if rng is None: rng = np.random.RandomState() elif isinstance(rng, int): rng = np.random.RandomState(rng) if (save_intermediates is not None) and \ (not op.exists(save_intermediates)): os.makedirs(save_intermediates, exist_ok=True)"Preprocessing Streamlines") tg = abu.read_tg(tg, nb_streamlines) # If resampling over-write the sft: if nb_points: tg = StatefulTractogram( dps.set_number_of_points(tg.streamlines, nb_points), tg, if not isinstance(bundle_dict, BundleDict): bundle_dict = BundleDict(bundle_dict) tg.to_vox() n_streamlines = len(tg) bundle_decisions = np.zeros( (n_streamlines, len(bundle_dict)), dtype=np.bool8) bundle_to_flip = np.zeros( (n_streamlines, len(bundle_dict)), dtype=np.bool8) bundle_roi_dists = -np.ones( ( n_streamlines, len(bundle_dict), bundle_dict.max_includes), dtype=np.uint32) fiber_groups = {} meta = {} preproc_imap = get_preproc_plan(img, tg, dist_to_waypoint, dist_to_atlas)"Assigning Streamlines to Bundles") for bundle_idx, bundle_name in enumerate( bundle_dict.bundle_names):"Finding Streamlines for {bundle_name}") run_bundle_rec_plan( bundle_dict, tg, mapping, img, reg_template, preproc_imap, bundle_name, bundle_idx, bundle_to_flip, bundle_roi_dists, bundle_decisions, clip_edges=clip_edges, parallel_segmentation=parallel_segmentation, rb_recognize_params=rb_recognize_params, prob_threshold=prob_threshold, refine_reco=refine_reco, rng=rng, return_idx=return_idx, filter_by_endpoints=filter_by_endpoints, save_intermediates=save_intermediates, cleaning_params=cleaning_params) if save_intermediates is not None: os.makedirs(save_intermediates, exist_ok=True) bc_path = op.join(save_intermediates, "sls_bundle_decisions.npy"), bundle_decisions) conflicts = np.sum(np.sum(bundle_decisions, axis=1) > 1) if conflicts > 0: logger.warning(( "Conflicts in bundle assignment detected. " f"{conflicts} conflicts detected in total out of " f"{n_streamlines} total streamlines." "Defaulting to whichever bundle appears first" "in the bundle_dict.")) bundle_decisions = np.concatenate(( bundle_decisions, np.ones((n_streamlines, 1))), axis=1) bundle_decisions = np.argmax(bundle_decisions, -1) # We do another round through, so that we can: # 1. Clip streamlines according to ROIs # 2. Re-orient streamlines"Re-orienting streamlines to consistent directions") for bundle_idx, bundle in enumerate(bundle_dict.bundle_names):"Processing {bundle}") select_idx = np.where(bundle_decisions == bundle_idx)[0] if len(select_idx) == 0: # There's nothing here, set and move to the next bundle: if "bundlesection" in bundle_dict.get_b_info(bundle): for sb_name in bundle_dict.get_b_info(bundle)[ "bundlesection"]: _return_empty(sb_name, return_idx, fiber_groups, img) else: _return_empty(bundle, return_idx, fiber_groups, img) continue # Use a list here, because ArraySequence doesn't support item # assignment: select_sl = list(tg.streamlines[select_idx]) roi_dists = bundle_roi_dists[select_idx, bundle_idx, :] n_includes = len(bundle_dict.get_b_info( bundle).get("include", [])) if clip_edges and n_includes > 1:"Clipping Streamlines by ROI") select_sl = abu.cut_sls_by_dist( select_sl, roi_dists, (0, n_includes - 1), in_place=True) to_flip = bundle_to_flip[select_idx, bundle_idx] b_def = dict(bundle_dict.get_b_info(bundle_name)) if "bundlesection" in b_def: for sb_name, sb_include_cuts in bundle_dict.get_b_info( bundle)["bundlesection"].items(): bundlesection_select_sl = abu.cut_sls_by_dist( select_sl, roi_dists, sb_include_cuts, in_place=False) _add_bundle_to_fiber_group( sb_name, bundlesection_select_sl, select_idx, to_flip, return_idx, fiber_groups, img) _add_bundle_to_meta(sb_name, b_def, meta) else: _add_bundle_to_fiber_group( bundle, select_sl, select_idx, to_flip, return_idx, fiber_groups, img) _add_bundle_to_meta(bundle, b_def, meta) return fiber_groups, meta
# Helper functions for formatting the results
[docs]def _return_empty(bundle_name, return_idx, fiber_groups, img): """ Helper function to return an empty dict under some conditions. """ if return_idx: fiber_groups[bundle_name] = {} fiber_groups[bundle_name]['sl'] = StatefulTractogram( [], img, Space.VOX) fiber_groups[bundle_name]['idx'] = np.array([]) else: fiber_groups[bundle_name] = StatefulTractogram( [], img, Space.VOX)
[docs]def _add_bundle_to_fiber_group(b_name, sl, idx, to_flip, return_idx, fiber_groups, img): """ Helper function to add a bundle to a fiber group. """ sl = abu.flip_sls( sl, to_flip, in_place=False) sl = StatefulTractogram( sl, img, Space.VOX) if return_idx: fiber_groups[b_name] = {} fiber_groups[b_name]['sl'] = sl fiber_groups[b_name]['idx'] = idx else: fiber_groups[b_name] = sl
[docs]def _add_bundle_to_meta(bundle_name, b_def, meta): # remove keys that can never be serialized for key in [ 'include', 'exclude', 'prob_map', 'start', 'end', 'curvature']: b_def.pop(key, None) meta[bundle_name] = b_def