import numpy as np
import nibabel as nib
import logging
from scipy.stats import zscore
import dipy.tracking.streamline as dts
from import StatefulTractogram, Space
import AFQ.recognition.utils as abu
from AFQ._fixes import gaussian_weights
[docs]logger = logging.getLogger('AFQ')
[docs]def clean_by_orientation(streamlines, primary_axis, affine, tol=None):
Compute the cardinal orientation of each streamline
streamlines : sequence of N by 3 arrays
Where N is number of nodes in the array, the collection of
streamlines to filter down to.
cleaned_idx, indicies of streamlines that passed cleaning
axes_names = ["L/R", "P/A", "I/S"]
if primary_axis not in axes_names:
raise ValueError(
f"Primary axis must be one of {axes_names}, got {primary_axis}")
orientation = nib.orientations.aff2axcodes(affine)
for idx, axis_label in enumerate(orientation):
if axis_label in primary_axis:
primary_axis = idx
axis_diff = np.zeros((len(streamlines), 3))
endpoint_diff = np.zeros((len(streamlines), 3))
for ii, sl in enumerate(streamlines):
# endpoint diff is between first and last
endpoint_diff[ii, :] = np.abs(sl[0, :] - sl[-1, :])
# axis diff is difference between the nodes, along
axis_diff[ii, :] = np.sum(np.abs(np.diff(sl, axis=0)), axis=0)
orientation_along = np.argmax(axis_diff, axis=1)
along_accepted_idx = orientation_along == primary_axis
if tol is not None:
percentage_primary = 100 * axis_diff[:, primary_axis] / np.sum(
axis_diff, axis=1)
"Maximum primary percentage found: "
along_accepted_idx = np.logical_and(
along_accepted_idx, percentage_primary > tol)
orientation_end = np.argmax(endpoint_diff, axis=1)
end_accepted_idx = orientation_end == primary_axis
cleaned_idx = np.logical_and(
return cleaned_idx
[docs]def clean_bundle(tg, n_points=100, clean_rounds=5, distance_threshold=3,
length_threshold=4, min_sl=20, stat='mean',
Clean a segmented fiber group based on the Mahalnobis distance of
each streamline
tg : StatefulTractogram class instance or ArraySequence
A whole-brain tractogram to be segmented.
n_points : int, optional
Number of points to resample streamlines to.
Default: 100
clean_rounds : int, optional.
Number of rounds of cleaning based on the Mahalanobis distance from
the mean of extracted bundles. Default: 5
distance_threshold : float, optional.
Threshold of cleaning based on the Mahalanobis distance (the units are
standard deviations). Default: 3.
length_threshold: float, optional
Threshold for cleaning based on length (in standard deviations). Length
of any streamline should not be *more* than this number of stdevs from
the mean length.
min_sl : int, optional.
Number of streamlines in a bundle under which we will
not bother with cleaning outliers. Default: 20.
stat : callable or str, optional.
The statistic of each node relative to which the Mahalanobis is
calculated. Default: `np.mean` (but can also use median, etc.)
return_idx : bool
Whether to return indices in the original streamlines.
Default: False.
A StatefulTractogram class instance containing only the streamlines
that have a Mahalanobis distance smaller than `clean_threshold` from
the mean of each one of the nodes.
# Convert string to callable, if that's what you got.
if isinstance(stat, str):
stat = getattr(np, stat)
if hasattr(tg, "streamlines"):
streamlines = tg.streamlines
streamlines = dts.Streamlines(tg)
# We don't even bother if there aren't enough streamlines:
if len(streamlines) < min_sl:
"Mahalanobis cleaning halted early"
" due to low streamline count"))
if return_idx:
return tg, np.arange(len(streamlines))
return tg
# Resample once up-front:
fgarray = np.asarray(abu.resample_tg(streamlines, n_points))
# Keep this around, so you can use it for indexing at the very end:
idx = np.arange(len(fgarray))
# get lengths of each streamline
lengths = np.array([sl.shape[0] for sl in streamlines])
# We'll only do this for clean_rounds
rounds_elapsed = 0
idx_belong = idx
while rounds_elapsed < clean_rounds:
# This calculates the Mahalanobis for each streamline/node:
m_dist = gaussian_weights(
fgarray, return_mahalnobis=True,
n_points=None, stat=stat)
logger.debug(f"Shape of fgarray: {np.asarray(fgarray).shape}")
logger.debug(f"Shape of m_dist: {m_dist.shape}")
logger.debug(f"Maximum m_dist: {np.max(m_dist)}")
f"Maximum m_dist for each fiber: "
f"{np.max(m_dist, axis=1)}"))
length_z = zscore(lengths)
logger.debug(f"Shape of length_z: {length_z.shape}")
logger.debug(f"Maximum length_z: {np.max(length_z)}")
"length_z for each fiber: "
if not (
np.any(m_dist >= distance_threshold)
or np.any(length_z >= length_threshold)):
# Select the fibers that have Mahalanobis smaller than the
# threshold for all their nodes:
idx_dist = np.all(m_dist < distance_threshold, axis=-1)
idx_len = length_z < length_threshold
idx_belong = np.logical_and(idx_dist, idx_len)
if np.sum(idx_belong) < min_sl:
# need to sort and return exactly min_sl:
idx = idx[np.argsort(np.sum(
m_dist, axis=-1))[:min_sl].astype(int)]
f"At rounds elapsed {rounds_elapsed}, "
"minimum streamlines reached"))
# Update by selection:
idx = idx[idx_belong]
fgarray = fgarray[idx_belong]
lengths = lengths[idx_belong]
rounds_elapsed += 1
f"Rounds elapsed: {rounds_elapsed}, "
f"num kept: {len(idx)}"))
logger.debug(f"Kept indicies: {idx}")
# Select based on the variable that was keeping track of things for us:
if hasattr(tg, "streamlines"):
out = StatefulTractogram(tg.streamlines[idx], tg,
out = streamlines[idx]
if return_idx:
return out, idx
return out