import os
import os.path as op
import numpy as np
import nibabel as nib
from dipy.reconst import dki
from dipy.reconst import dki_micro
from dipy.core.ndindex import ndindex
import AFQ.utils.models as ut
__all__ = ["fit_dki", "predict"]
def _fit(gtab, data, mask=None):
dkimodel = dki.DiffusionKurtosisModel(gtab)
return, mask=mask)
[docs]def fit_dki(data_files, bval_files, bvec_files, mask=None,
min_kurtosis=-1, max_kurtosis=3, out_dir=None, b0_threshold=50):
Fit the DKI model, save files with derived maps
data_files : str or list
Files containing DWI data. If this is a str, that's the full path to a
single file. If it's a list, each entry is a full path.
bval_files : str or list
Equivalent to `data_files`.
bvec_files : str or list
Equivalent to `data_files`.
mask : ndarray, optional
Binary mask, set to True or 1 in voxels to be processed.
Default: Process all voxels.
min_kurtosis : float, optional
The minimal plausible value of kurtosis. Default: -1.
max_kurtosis : float, optional
The maximal plausible value of kurtosis. Default: 3.
out_dir : str, optional
A full path to a directory to store the maps that get computed.
Default: maps get stored in the same directory as the last DWI file
in `data_files`.
b0_threshold : float
file_paths : a dict with the derived maps that were computed and full-paths
to the files containing these maps.
Maps that are calculated: FA, MD, AD, RD, MK, AK, RK
img, data, gtab, mask = ut.prepare_data(data_files, bval_files,
bvec_files, mask=mask,
dkimodel = dki.DiffusionKurtosisModel(gtab)
dkifit =, mask=mask)
FA = dkifit.fa
MD =
AD =
RD = dkifit.rd
MK =, max_kurtosis)
AK = dkifit.ak(min_kurtosis, max_kurtosis)
RK = dkifit.rk(min_kurtosis, max_kurtosis)
params = dkifit.model_params
maps = [FA, MD, AD, RD, MK, AK, RK, params]
names = ['FA', 'MD', 'AD', 'RD', 'MK', 'AK', 'RK', 'params']
if out_dir is None:
if isinstance(data_files, list):
out_dir = op.join(op.split(data_files[0])[0], 'dki')
out_dir = op.join(op.split(data_files)[0], 'dki')
if not op.exists(out_dir):
aff = img.affine
file_paths = {}
for m, n in zip(maps, names):
file_paths[n] = op.join(out_dir, 'dki_%s.nii.gz' % n), aff), file_paths[n])
return file_paths
def avs_dki_df(gtab, data, mask=None, min_signal=1.0e-6):
r""" Computes mean diffusion kurtosis
gtab : a GradientTable class instance
The gradient table containing diffusion acquisition parameters.
data : ndarray ([X, Y, Z, ...], g)
Data or response variables holding the data. Note that the last
dimension should contain the data. It makes no copies of data.
mask : array, optional
A boolean array used to mark the coordinates in the data that should
be analyzed that has the shape data.shape[:-1]
min_signal : float
The minimum signal value. Needs to be a strictly positive
number. Default: 1.0e-6.
params : ndarray ([X, Y, Z, ...], 3)
All parameters estimated from the dir fit DKI model.
Parameters are ordered as follows:
1) Direct Mean Diffusivity measure
2) Direct Mean Kurtosis measure
3) Direct S0 estimate
Henriques, R.N., Correia, M.M., Interpreting age-related changes based
on the mean signal diffusion kurtosis. 25th Annual Meeting of ISMRM,
Honolulu, April 22-28, 2017
params = np.zeros(data.shape[:-1] + (3,))
bmag = int(np.log10(gtab.bvals.max()))
b = gtab.bvals.copy() / (10 ** (bmag - 1)) # normalize b units
b = b.round() * (10 ** (bmag - 1))
uniqueb = np.unique(b)
nb = len(uniqueb)
B = np.zeros((nb, 3))
B[:, 0] = -uniqueb
B[:, 1] = 1.0 / 6.0 * uniqueb ** 2
B[:, 2] = np.ones(nb)
ng = np.zeros(nb)
for bi in range(nb):
ng[bi] = np.sum(b == uniqueb[bi])
ng = np.sqrt(ng)
# Prepare mask
if mask is None:
mask = np.ones(data.shape[:-1], dtype=bool)
if mask.shape != data.shape[:-1]:
raise ValueError("Mask is not the same shape as data.")
mask = np.array(mask, dtype=bool, copy=False)
index = ndindex(mask.shape)
sig = np.zeros(nb)
for v in index:
if mask[v]:
for bi in range(nb):
sig[bi] = np.mean(data[v][b == uniqueb[bi]])
# Define weights as diag(sqrt(ng) * yn**2)
W = np.diag(ng * sig**2)
BTW =, W)
inv_BT_W_B = np.linalg.pinv(, B))
p =, np.log(sig))
p[1] = p[1] / (p[0]**2)
p[2] = np.exp(p[2])
params[v] = p
return params
def fit_mdki(data_files, bval_files, bvec_files, mask=None, out_dir=None,
Fit the DKI model, save files with derived maps
data_files : str or list
Files containing DWI data. If this is a str, that's the full path to a
single file. If it's a list, each entry is a full path.
bval_files : str or list
Equivalent to `data_files`.
bvec_files : str or list
Equivalent to `data_files`.
mask : ndarray, optional
Binary mask, set to True or 1 in voxels to be processed.
Default: Process all voxels.
min_kurtosis : float, optional
The minimal plausible value of kurtosis. Default: -1.
max_kurtosis : float, optional
The maximal plausible value of kurtosis. Default: 3.
out_dir : str, optional
A full path to a directory to store the maps that get computed.
Default: maps get stored in the same directory as the last DWI file
in `data_files`.
b0_threshold : float
file_paths : a dict with the derived maps that were computed and full-paths
to the files containing these maps.
Maps that are calculated: FA, MD, AD, RD, MK, AK, RK
img, data, gtab, mask = ut.prepare_data(data_files, bval_files,
bvec_files, mask=mask,
params = avs_dki_df(gtab, data, mask=mask)
MD = params[..., 0]
MK = params[..., 1]
S0 = params[..., 2]
maps = [MD, MK, S0]
names = ['MD', 'MK', 'S0']
if out_dir is None:
if isinstance(data_files, list):
out_dir = op.join(op.split(data_files[0])[0], 'dki')
out_dir = op.join(op.split(data_files)[0], 'dki')
if not op.exists(out_dir):
aff = img.affine
file_paths = {}
for m, n in zip(maps, names):
file_paths[n] = op.join(out_dir, 'mdki_%s.nii.gz' % n), aff), file_paths[n])
return file_paths
def fit_dkimicro(data_files, bval_files, bvec_files, mask=None,
min_kurtosis=-1, max_kurtosis=3, out_dir=None,
Fit the DKI model, save files with derived maps
data_files : str or list
Files containing DWI data. If this is a str, that's the full path to a
single file. If it's a list, each entry is a full path.
bval_files : str or list
Equivalent to `data_files`.
bvec_files : str or list
Equivalent to `data_files`.
mask : ndarray, optional
Binary mask, set to True or 1 in voxels to be processed.
Default: Process all voxels.
min_kurtosis : float, optional
The minimal plausible value of kurtosis. Default: -1.
max_kurtosis : float, optional
The maximal plausible value of kurtosis. Default: 3.
out_dir : str, optional
A full path to a directory to store the maps that get computed.
Default: maps get stored in the same directory as the last DWI file
in `data_files`.
b0_threshold : float
file_paths : a dict with the derived maps that were computed and full-paths
to the files containing these maps.
Maps that are calculated: FA, MD, AD, RD, MK, AK, RK
img, data, gtab, mask = ut.prepare_data(data_files, bval_files,
bvec_files, mask=mask,
dkimodel = dki_micro.KurtosisMicrostructureModel(gtab)
dkifit =, mask=mask)
AWF = dkifit.awf
T = dkifit.tortuosity
Da = dkifit.axonal_diffusivity
hRD = dkifit.hindered_rd
hAD = dkifit.hindered_ad
evals = dkifit.hindered_evals
hMD = (evals[..., 0] + evals[..., 1] + evals[..., 2]) / 3.0
params = dkifit.model_params
maps = [AWF, T, hAD, hRD, hMD, Da, params]
names = ['AWF', 'T', 'hAD', 'hRD', 'hMD', 'Da', 'params']
if out_dir is None:
if isinstance(data_files, list):
out_dir = op.join(op.split(data_files[0])[0], 'dki')
out_dir = op.join(op.split(data_files)[0], 'dki')
if not op.exists(out_dir):
aff = img.affine
file_paths = {}
for m, n in zip(maps, names):
file_paths[n] = op.join(out_dir, 'dkimicro_%s.nii.gz' % n), aff), file_paths[n])
return file_paths
[docs]def predict(params_file, gtab, S0_file=None, out_dir=None):
Create a signal prediction from DKI params
params_file : str
Full path to a file with parameters saved from a DKI fit
gtab : GradientTable object
The gradient table to predict for
S0_file : str
Full path to a nifti file that contains S0 measurements to incorporate
into the prediction. If the file contains 4D data, the volumes that
contain the S0 data must be the same as the gtab.b0s_mask.
if out_dir is None:
out_dir = op.join(op.split(params_file)[0])
if S0_file is None:
S0 = 100
S0 = nib.load(S0_file).get_fdata()
# If the S0 data is 4D, we assume it comes from an acquisition that had
# B0 measurements in the same volumes described in the gtab:
if len(S0.shape) == 4:
S0 = np.mean(S0[..., gtab.b0s_mask], -1)
# Otherwise, we assume that it's already a 3D volume, and do nothing
img = nib.load(params_file)
params = img.get_fdata()
pred = dki.dki_prediction(params, gtab, S0=S0)
fname = op.join(out_dir, 'dki_prediction.nii.gz'), img.affine), fname)
return fname