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This function has a series of steps:

  • If family == "auto", choose the distribution (either beta or gamma) that has the lowest AIC when fitting to the dMRI metric data

  • If k == "auto", build an initial GAM model with k = 16 and continue to double the k value until gam.check shows that k is large enough

  • Fit a GAM model such that:

    target ~ covariates + s(nodeID, by=group, k = k_value) + s(subjectID, bs = "re")

  • Optionally save the output of gam.check and summary to files.


  target = NULL,
  covariates = NULL,
  smooth_terms = NULL,
  group_by = NULL,
  participant_id = NULL,
  formula = NULL,
  k = NULL,
  autocor = TRUE,
  family = "auto",
  method = "fREML",



AFQ Dataframe of node metric values for single tract


The diffusion metric to model (e.g. "FA", "MD"). If this is set, formula must NOT be set.


List of strings of GAM covariates, not including the smoothing terms over nodes and the random effect due to subjectID. If this is set, formula must NOT be set.


Smoothing terms, not including the smoothing terms over nodes and the random effect due to subjectID. If this is set, formula must NOT be set.


The grouping variable used to group nodeID smoothing terms If this is set, formula must NOT be set.


The name of the column that encodes participant ID If this is set, formula must NOT be set.


Optional explicit formula to use for the GAM. If provided, this will override the dynamically generated formula build from the target and covariate inputs. Default = NULL. If this is set, all other inputs that determine the formula must be set to NULL.


Dimension of the basis used to represent the node smoothing term, If k = 'auto' (default), this function will attempt to find the best value.


Whether to account for autocorrelation in the tract profile. Default = TRUE.


Distribution to use for the gam. Must be either 'gamma', 'beta', or 'auto'. If 'auto', this function will select the best fit between beta and gamma distributions.


String, fitting method passed to mgcv::bam


Further keyword arguments passed to mgcv::bam


Fitted GAM model


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
df_afq <- read.csv("/path/to/afq/output.csv")
tract <- "CST_L"
df_tract <- df_afq[which(df_afq$tractID == tract), ]
gam_fit <- fit_gam(df_tract,
                   target = "dti_fa",
                   covariates = list("group", "sex"),
                   family = "gamma",
                   k = "auto")
} # }