.. _binder_integration:
Integration of ``AFQ-Browser`` and ``Binder``
To facilitate further computations on data-sets published using
``AFQ-Browser``, we integrate data-sets that are published on GitHub (see :ref:`usage_guide`) with the `Binder `_ service.
Binder makes the contents of a GitHub repository available through a
`Jupyter `_ computational notebook interface. This means that
visitors to a published ``AFQ-Browser`` instance can start computing on the
data immediately without having to download the data, or install any software.
.. note:: For further information about Binder, please read about recent
developments in this project in `this blog post `_.
Software available on Binder
The Binder environment automatically provisioned for ``AFQ-Browser`` instances
has `scikit-learn `_,
`pandas `_ and
`seaborn `_
installed into it.
To add more software dependencies, you will need to edit the
``requirements.txt`` file in the GitHub (for example, see `this file `_), `before` launching Binder for the first time from your instance.